Do not settle for anything less than full, satisfying life.

Do not settle for anything less than full, satisfying life.
You only have one shot at this life. Do not grow to become cynical. Do not forgot about taking risks. Do not forget about taking adventures. Do not let the days past. You can change this world. You have the opportunity to inherit a radical way of life. To live a life of love. To build a relationship with the Starbucks barista. To live a life of selflessness. To be a missionary outside of it's definition. You can leave your mark on this world. Don't waste your life on anything less than fulfilling your purpose. Don't settle on relationships. Don't settle on passions. Don't settle on dreams. Don't settle.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Who wants to get old?

What makes us happy? No I feel like that is a term for a first grader. What gives us joy these days? Sometimes I seriously wonder what drives our generation. Success?  Climbing the business ladder? Where did we go so wrong? I wish I could go to class and hear about how others from this generation want to change lives. In all honesty, I want people to care. Truly re-create us to be compassionate again. I feel like so many of our parents went to college in dreams to change this world but slowly stepped away from dreams to pursue self-success. Now, college students have dollar signs popping out of their eyes. It is sad. I am not bashing any career that does include a comfortable salary. Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers all change this world in their specific areas, but I am speaking the truth in love about whether or not we are pursuing loving others through our dreams.

It is crazy to be 21 and still feel like a child. The other day in my public speaking class I shared the story about how a crazy old lady almost shot me when I was  9 year old. It is true. I could have possibly deserved it.. (actually no, scratch that, I was nine. Homegirl was crazy) Anyways, the moral of the story was why do we grow cynical as we age? We lose our child-like spirit, the sense of adventure like Huck Finn has. I never want to lose my adventurous heart. I think I tweeted that today. I don’t mean this in terms of trying to hold on to my youth, in a freaky peter pan soon-to-get-Botox way. But, I want to think of the best of people and stop assuming the worst. I want be curious and not think I know it all. I want to drive places without knowing where I am going. I want share how I feel and not be captive to fear. I choose pursuing childhood. I am not against aging. I love the wisdom and beauty that comes with aging. And I am looking forward to that part of life if I get to experience it. But today I am just enchanted with adventures. I spent my afternoon hanging out with some friends from a local high school. On our way back to my house we saw a donkey on the side of the road. Naturally, we had to stop. When else do you just run into free donkeys? We played, named him Calvin. Tried to pen his tail… didn’t really try because that scared us. We took pictures and stopped oncoming traffic. It was a moment we wouldn’t forget. Just for that fact that it was unnatural, it was unexpected, and it was shared with dear friends. Why give those times up? I know the times that I feel cynical, or tired, or stressed I would have just drove right by it. And would have just missed that whole experience. It was life-changing. Did we have deep conversations? No, but there are other forms of feeling loved, feeling appreciated and feeling like there is something bigger than ourselves in this world. It was a time we got to share just by the fact that we pursued adventure. We were open and welcome to living live sporadically. 

My two dear friends from East Mont High School who also
have not given up on adventures.