Do not settle for anything less than full, satisfying life.

Do not settle for anything less than full, satisfying life.
You only have one shot at this life. Do not grow to become cynical. Do not forgot about taking risks. Do not forget about taking adventures. Do not let the days past. You can change this world. You have the opportunity to inherit a radical way of life. To live a life of love. To build a relationship with the Starbucks barista. To live a life of selflessness. To be a missionary outside of it's definition. You can leave your mark on this world. Don't waste your life on anything less than fulfilling your purpose. Don't settle on relationships. Don't settle on passions. Don't settle on dreams. Don't settle.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weak sauce

Sometimes, I just really feel lucky. Maybe the better word is thankful. I am in college. I know that seems like the norm from where I am from, but it is not around the world. At East Mont High School, I can't count the number of times I felt like suffocating a teenager because they don't have dreams outside of going to their local community college. Am I allowed to say I wanted to suffocate a high schooler? Probably not, if it helps I didn't actually do it. I am also not bashing community college, but I desire so badly that my high school friends can see what I see in them, what Jesus sees in them. They have purpose. I am thankful I have the opportunity to openly say the name Jesus. That is something I take for granted often. I am thankful I am well-off, and that I have a heart that will give. How often do I notice how lucky I am? How often do I get everything I pray for and forget to praise my God? I am such a weak christian. I really am. Sometimes, I think unintentionally we compare on some sort of christian scale how legit someone is in their walk with the Lord. And most of the times, it is a compliment to be called a strong christian. I want to be the opposite. My goal is to be a weak christian. I want to pursue humility. I want to be as weak as possible to ensure I will run into my Father's arms at every minuscule thing. I want to pray as if my mission rely's on myself. And I want to work/move knowing it does rely on Jesus. If spreading the gospel relied on me, let me tell you this world would be in big trouble. Thankfully, it is up to the Big Guy and therefore, I can work by simply following where Jesus goes. There is nothing simple about following Jesus, it is so ironic, it cost nothing at all, yet cost everything.

Today, I went to Shawsville, VA where East Mont is at. Shawsville is a very poor place. Beautiful, filled with mountains and rivers, but very economically poor. There is such a need there. I went to hang out with two of my friends, we went to a dance studio at this horse barn/plantation. It was beautiful. I felt like I was in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, as if we were going to light candles and sit in a circle or something. But we did so much more than share our hearts. We danced. We laughed. We explored. I never want to live a day when I do not laugh. I entered into their world. And I realized how thankful I was. It was so refreshing to see such a beautiful studio in the midst of such an impoverished town.

God is working there. I just feel Him moving. I drove the 30 minute drive praising what has yet to come there. And I am so excited, and thankful that I am challenged daily. I stopped at a river, to collect myself and just be excited for a few more minutes before I had to enter back into the craziness of my life. Those few minutes were the best part of my day. How lucky am I that I get to escape to a place like this? This week I talked to dear friends about seeing where a person takes their body is a reflection of their soul. I can only hope that my soul reflects how in love I am with Jesus.